Prince Harry ‘mirrors’ Meghan Markle’s every move during LA wildfire relief

    Prince Harry mirrors Meghan Markles every move during LA wildfire relief
    Prince Harry ‘mirrors’ Meghan Markle’s every move during LA wildfire relief

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped up to support the victims of Los Angeles wildfires.

    The royal couple handed out food parcels to the survivors, offering them their support.

    While the sussexes have been actively assisting the victims, their contrasting approaches drew attention of the body language expert Judi James.

    Speaking with FEMAIL, expert shared that Meghan appeared “practical yet emotionally engaged” meanwhile Harry was mirroring his wife’s actions but with slightest discomfort.

    Judi said, “We can see Meghan in particular in two body language modes and functions here: firstly what would be termed “getting stuck in”, physically helping out with food distribution and doing so in a way that seems to have rendered herself incognito.”

    “The ‘head-down’ body language from Meghan here looks practical rather than performative, implying that the job of distribution is better achieved without a media scrum or being made to stop and talk,” she added.

    Noting that Harry and Meghan use “active listening and mirroring signals here” Judi added, “Harry seems to mirror his wife with some of the touch rituals, placing his hand onto arms and shoulders, although it’s Meghan who looks the more natural with the more intense touch rituals.”

    She went on to add that when Harry and Meghan were leaving “hugging and touching looks both sympathetic and supportive before the casually dressed couple go off hand in hand, presumably feeling that they have ‘done their bit’ in some way in this tragic, ongoing disaster.”

    As wildfires continue to devastate Southern Callifornia, the Sussexes contributed through the Archewell Foundation.

    It is worth mentioning that Harry and Meghan have been dubbed as “US version” of royals by the experts.

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