The Style Resolutions Our Fashion Team Are Making For 2025

    Most New Year’s resolutions involve some sort of fitness goal or intention-setting, but perhaps it could also be useful to consider some style resolutions. Just as we can get into a rut when it comes to wellness or work, as our lives get busier over the course of the year, it can be easy to fall back into bad habits when it comes to our style.

    Setting style resolutions can be as small and fun as simply vowing to incorporate more colour into your wardrobe, or as impactful as committing to shopping less. Over the holidays, we’ve overheard a stylish lady swear off Vinted, for example, not because it’s not a fabulous destination for secondhand finds (it totally is) but because she found herself spending more freely as she felt less guilty of over-consumption when buying pre-loved. Another lady has limited herself to only a certain number of shoes for the year, which means for every new acquisition, she’ll have to sell or donate an existing pair.

    Whatever you have in mind for 2025, the key is to identify style solutions you can actually commit to in the long run, as what we’re looking for are positive habits that are sustainable, rather than one-off changes.

    So how are our editors changing up their approach to style this year? Find out below:

    Rosie Lai, Acting Fashion Editor

    Image may contain Accessories Bag Handbag Clothing Coat Pants Jacket Adult Person Plant Car and Transportation

    Daniel Zuchnik

    1. “I’m going to try to style one new outfit with five of my least-worn pieces. I’m often guilty of buying new when I could actually make my own wardrobe work with just a little more effort and creativity. There are so many pieces in my closet that I love, but I just haven’t had the time to put outfits together with them and they end up sitting at the back of my wardrobe collecting dust. I’m committed to spending a weekend bringing them back to life.”

    2. “I’m going to only buy one new handbag this year (wish me luck). A little bit of a collector (read: compulsive shopper) when it comes to bags and shoes, my accessories shelf is absolutely exploding and frankly, I never actually get around to wearing all my leather goods. In a similar vein to the previous resolution, I want to make the most of what I already have and make a highly-considered choice when I do buy a new bag, knowing it’s something that will have to last me the whole year.”

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